Woodland Nook Cat Rescue was founded in 1991 by myself at my home in Swanwick and since then has grown from a single shed to an impressive bungalow style shelter with large cat conservatory and private kitchen. It is a Freedom Shelter so the cats have the run of the buildings and enclosed garden. The shelter is not affiliated to any other charity and relies upon donations from the public to maintain it’s smooth running and existence. Donations are always welcomed and can be sent via Paypal to woodlandnook@hotmail.com. Donations can also be sent directly to Woodland Nook’s bank account:
Woodland Nook Cats Home
Virgin Money (Yorkshire Bank)
Sort code 05-07-15
Account number 47127069
The number of kittens and cats rescued and rehabilitated over thirty two years has been impressive to say the least including helping cats from Crete for twelve years too.
Woodland Nook Cat Rescue is an established piece of the jigsaw of our local community and offers a super service to cats in need.